holocaust survivors

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holocaust survivors

Once we were brothers

"The gripping tale about two boys, once as close as brothers, who find themselves on opposite sides of the Holocaust. Elliot Rosenzweig, a respected civic leader and wealthy philanthropist, is attending a fundraiser when he is suddenly accosted and accused of being a former Nazi SS officer named Otto Piatek, "the butcher of Zamosc." Although the charges are denounced as preposterous, his accuser, Ben Solomon, is convinced he is right. Solomon persuades attorney Catherine Lockhart to take his case, revealing that the true Piatek was abandoned as a child and raised by Solomon's family only to betray them during the Nazi occupation. But has he accused the right man? Once We Were Brothers is the compelling tale of two boys and a family who struggle to survive in war-torn Poland and a young love that incredibly endures through the unspeakable cruelty of the Holocaust. Two lives, two worlds, and sixty years converge in an explosive race to redemption that makes for an enthralling tale of love, survival, and ultimately the triumph of the human spirit"--.


from a name to a number : a Holocaust survivor's autobiography
Alter Wiener reflects on his life, discussing his childhood in Poland, years spent as a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp, experiences after liberation, emigration to the United States, responses to his lectures about the Holocaust, and more.

After the Holocaust

the long road to freedom
Having survived Auschwitz, the author and her three sisters try to begin life anew in wartorn Europe.

Love, Otto

the legacy of Anne Frank
Contains the letters of a twenty-two year correspondence between a young girl from California, Wilson, and the father of Anne Frank, Otto.

The aftermath

living with the Holocaust

Bach in Auschwitz

From 1943 onwards, the SS fulfilled its fantasy of bringing together over forty female musicians from all over Europe to perform in the Auschwitz Orchestra. They were directed by the brilliant violinist Alma Ros?, who owes her own survival to her close blood ties to Gustav Mahler. Eleven of the "Orchestra" are still living, and on the fiftieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz they met to recall their story and to confront their unique and terrifying position in the history of the Holocaust.

La historia de Erika

A woman recalls how she was thrown from a train headed for a Nazi death camp in 1944, raised by someone who risked her own life to save the baby's, and finally found some peace with her own family.

The promise

the true story of a family in the Holocaust
Chronicles Eva and Heinz Schloss' struggles to survive Nazi persecution during World War II, and describes how they fled with their family from Vienna to Amsterdam.

Cezanne is missing

Fifteen-year-old New Yorkers Lauren and David--brought together by Lauren's art teacher, who is also David's grandmother, a former Warsaw Ghetto resistance fighter, and a survivor of Auschwitz--stumble into an adventure involving an old diary in code, paintings smuggled during World War II, two kidnappings, and the Russian mafia.


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