Delano, Marfe Ferguson

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Rain forests

Looks at the rain forest, including its plants and animals.


a photobiography of Albert Einstein
Presents a biography of Albert Einstein, in words and photographs, and examines the life of the physicist whose theories revolutionized the way science views the space-time continuum, and integrates Einstein's political, cultural, and social interests with his scientific beliefs.
Cover image of Genius


Features a step-by-step look at the life cycle of a duck from egg to adulthood. Also discusses other animals that hatch from eggs. Includes color photographs, a color diagram of a duck's body, and activities for acting like a duck.
Cover image of Ducklings


Describes the characteristics of butterflies, including their colors, how they ward off predators, their food habits, and how caterpillars become butterflies.
Cover image of Butterflies


Describes the variety of frogs that exist all around the world, how they grow from eggs to tadpoles to frogs, what they eat, and how they avoid being eaten by other animals.


Explains how clouds form and profiles different varieties while outlining a range of outdoor-themed activities.


a photobiography of Albert Einstein
Presents a biography of Albert Einstein, in words and photographs, and examines the life of the physicist whose theories revolutionized the way science views the space-time continuum, and integrates Einstein's political, cultural, and social interests with his scientific beliefs.

Explore my world

baby animals
Describes a variety of baby animals and how their mothers take care of them. Curious kids ages 3 to 7 will learn about a day in the life of a baby animal, from mama's care to the great world beyond. These engaging Explore My World picture books on subjects kids care about combine simple stories with unforgettable photography. They invite little kids to take their first big steps toward understanding the world around them and are just the thing for parents and kids to curl up with and read aloud.


"Learn all about ducks as we follow the challenges and victories a wood duck duckling faces as it goes from egg to chick."--Publisher.


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