1900-1999 (20th century)

Topical Term
1900-1999 (20th century)

A Hemingway odyssey

special places in his life
Retraces the footsteps of Ernest Hemingway in some of the special places he went to fish and write, featuring the recollections and insights of some of the people who remember the author's visits to their towns; and includes the complete text of the short story "Big Two-Hearted River.".

Robert Frost, a biography

Biography of American poet Robert Frost detailing both the man and the world he knew.

Columbia dictionary of modern European literature

A guide to the twentieth-century literature of continental Europe, featuring over 1,800 alphabetically arranged articles that provide information about and criticism of the writers and national literatures of thirty-three languages.

The 20th century year by year

the people and events that shaped the last hundred years

American writers of the 20th century

Describes the personal lives and professional accomplishments of ten American authors of the twentieth century including John Steinbeck, William Faulkner, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, and Ernest Hemingway.


Provides a chronology of the decade by following themes and major developments and trends.

Contemporary literary criticism

A cumulative index of the more than 65,000 titles covered in Volumes 1 through 220 of "Contemporary Literary Criticism.".

Surviving crisis

twenty prominent authors write about events that shaped their lives
A collection of creative nonfiction pieces by twenty authors, highlighting events that proved to be turning points or memorable moments of catharsis and personal growth.

The world within war

America's combat experience in World War II
Based on letters, diaries, books and veteran surveys, Linderman examines the combat experience during World War II arguing that American experience in both theaters, European and Pacific, was very similar and that combat had its own grim logic, independent of causes and countries, flags and commanders.

Making more waves

new writing by Asian American women
A collection of autobiographical writings, short stories, poetry, essays, and photos by and about Asian American women.


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