Vietnam veteran Peter Macdonald finds himself in big trouble when he accidentally sees the face of Damian Rose, a psychopath who along with his wife Carrie, has embarked on a killing spree in the Caribbean.
Presents suggestions for instructional design, collaboration, and troubleshooting using response to intervention (RTI) techniques to help children with reading, and provides tips for better understanding of the structure and implementation of RTI.
Discusses self-mutilation and other self-harmful behavior, including why some individuals harm themselves, the risks of self-injury, and how to treat and prevent it.
Tells the fictional stories of Vanna, a teenager who has a problem with shoplifting, and Kyle, a teen who enjoys playing with fire; and includes information about impulse control disorders.
Contains a collection of twenty debates representing arguments of leading psychologists and commentators on such topics as alcohol abuse, multiple personality disorder, ADD and ADHD, antidepressants, and social issues.
Describes impulse-control disorders including pathologicalgambling, kleptomania, pyromania, trichotillomania and similar problems, and intermittent explosive disorder.
Explores eating disorders trends, body image and eating disorders, the relationship between the media and eating disorders, and strategies to curb eating disorders.