Cummings, Judy Dodge

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When the earth dragon trembled

a story of Chinatown during the San Francisco earthquake and fire
Han Liu rejects his father's attempts to teach him traditional Chinese values, but when an earthquake and fire strike Chinatown, separating Han from his father, a book of family proverbs is all Han has left to guide him. Includes author's note.

Hip-hop culture

Describes various aspects of hip-hop culture, including DJing, MCing, breakdancing, and graffiti.

The Beatles

"This history of the Who highlights the band's career and cultural impact. Readers learn about the Who's beginnings in Britain, their embodiment of youth subcultures, and the legacy of iconic albums"--Provided by publisher.


the rebuilding of the United States after the Civil War
"How does a country rebuild the infrastructure, government, and economy of a huge region while taking steps to resolve the status of 4 million newly freed slaves? [Students] . . . examine the era from 1865 to 1877, a time when the United States wrestled with questions that still plague the country today: Who should have access to citizenship and voting rights? How should the power of the federal government be balanced against the rights of the states? What is the proper government response to white supremacy? Essential questions guide reader investigations while hands-on activities promote critical and creative problem solving and text-to-world connections highlight the way the past provides context for the present-day world"--Provided by publisher.

The miners' lament

a story of Latina activists in the Empire Zinc mine strike
In 1951 Alba, New Mexico, when her father forbids her from pursuing her dream of performing Mexican ballads as a "corridisto" and participating on the picket line because she is a girl, twelve-year-old Ana Maria finds a way to help during the long strike for better working and living conditions for the miners at Empire Zinc.

Changing laws

politics of the Civil rights era
"Explores the key legislative and judicial victories of the civil rights era spanning from 1954 to the early 1970s, including Brown v. the Board of Education, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. Hands-on projects and research activities alongside . . . questions, links to online resources, and text-to-world connections promote an . . . understanding of history and offer opportunities for social-emotional learning"--OCLC.

Tomb raiders

real tales of grave robberies
Armed with shovels and crowbars, thieves throughout history have unearthed graves out of greed, hunger, and curiosity, recounts little-known stories of body snatchers and crooks of the crypt, from Jamestown, Virginia, to Sipan, Peru.

Eruptions and explosions

real tales of violent outbursts
Recounts the history of five blowups that continued to rattle the world long after the smoke had cleared and embers cooled. From a mountaintop in Indonesia to an oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, the explosions explored here caused widespread peril and destruction.

Epidemics and pandemics

real tales of deadly diseases
Tells the tale of five of history's most critical contagions and the havoc these diseases wreaked across the globe, including the bubonic plague, yellow fever, smallpox, Spanish influenza, and AIDS.

The Emancipation proclamation

"Presents the politics and root issues of the Civil War and examines how President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation changed history."--Provided by publisher.


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