african american boys

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african american boys

What is college?

Follow Uche and BJ as they explore what college is. These two students share dialogue on how to prepare for college.

We are not broken

A memoir of Black non-binary writer and activist George M. Johnson's childhood in New Jersey, growing up with their brother and two cousins, all under the supervision of their larger-than-life grandmother.

I am my ancestors' wildest dreams

A child discovers his distinguished heritage through the achievements of Black leaders from sports, entertainment, law and leadership.

Brown boy joy

"This book is filled with all the things little brown boys love."--.

The talk

"This graphic memoir . . . offers a deeply personal meditation on the 'the talk' parents must have with Black children about racism and the brutality that often accompanies it, a ritual attempt to keep kids safe and prepare them for a world that--to paraphrase Toni Morrison--does not love them . . . Bell examines how "the talk" has shaped nearly every moment of his life into adulthood and fatherhood. . . Drawing attention to the brutal murders of African Americans like Trayvon Martin and Eric Garner, and showcasing his award-winning cartoons along the way, Bell takes us up to the very moment of reckoning when people took to the streets protesting the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor and when he must have 'the talk' with a six-year-old son of his own"--Provided by publisher.

Lucky me

a memoir of changing the odds
A memoir of will, success, and the luck we make--from the founder and CEO of Klutch Sports Group and an influential figure in the sports industry.

Sixth man surprise

Thirteen-year-old Devante Briggs loves basketball, but now he is just the sixth man off the bench for his school team, putting up with the snide remarks of some of the other players--until an outbreak of food poisoning gives him his chance to show off his skills.

An invisible thread

the true story of an 11-year-old panhandler, a busy sales executive, and an unlikely meeting with destiny
Laura Schroff reflects on how she formed a friendship with an eleven-year-old, New York homeless boy named Maurice and how it changed both of their lives.

The rope walk

Alice MacCauley's eleventh summer is shaped by new friendship, the twinges of first love, and adult lessons about life and death when she and Theo, a New York City boy of mixed race visiting his white New England grandparents, become the companions of Kenneth, an artist dying of and losing his eyesight to AIDS, reading him the journals of Lewis and Clark and building him a secret "rope walk" through the woods.

Black minds matter

realizing the brilliance, dignity, and morality of black males in education
"The comments presented in this book are based on lectures Dr. J. Luke Wood, Ph.D. gave during the Black Minds Matter course and during speeches that were associated with the class. The goal of this book is to convey social science research in a manner that is accessible to the people it is designed to reach. While this book is designed for educators of Black boys and men, the accessible tone is designed to ensure that the messages expressed are useful for non-educators - namely parents, community members, and advocates for Black males"--Back cover.


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