law and legislation

Topical Term
law and legislation

The right to die

Presents a collection of twelve controversial essays that debate the issue of a person's right to die, and addresses such topics as physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, and more.
Cover image of The right to die

Legalizing drugs

crime stopper or social risk?
Discusses issues pertaining to the legalization of drugs, covering the history of drug use and abuse, the war on drugs, potential risks and benefits, the medical marijuana movement, and other related topics, and includes quotes, anecdotes, and discussion which were originally published in "USA Today.".
Cover image of Legalizing drugs


the fire that changed America
Chronicles the events surrounding the fire at the Triangle shirtwaist factory which broke out on March 25, 1911, killing more than one hundred factory workers who were trapped after the fire broke out, and discusses how the fire changed the work force in America.
Cover image of Triangle

Save the mustangs!

How a Federal law is passed
The legislative process is detailed in describing the efforts of various groups to generate a law protecting mustangs.
Cover image of Save the mustangs!

School integration

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
Examines the history of school integration in the United States and the landmark Supreme Court decision in the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka case of 1954.
Cover image of School integration


An introduction to stalking, explaining what it is, why it occurs, and how victims can get help.
Cover image of Stalking

Brown v. Board of Education

Brown v. Board of Education provides a historical overview of the case that desegregated public education in the United States.
Cover image of Brown v. Board of Education

The Second Amendment

the right to bear arms
Examines the history, meaning, and influence of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, and explores gun control laws, political violence, and the use of guns in both early and modern America.

Poisoned waters

Explores the hazards to the environment and the coastal estuaries of Puget Sound and the Chesapeake Bay as a result of contaminated runoffs from industry, agriculture, and urban development in the region.


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