Tells the story of the Scottsboro Boys trial, in which two white women accused nine young African-American men and boys of raping them in 1931, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.
Chronicles the controversial trial of Italian-American anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti for robbery and murder, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.
Presents the story of the 1931 Scottsboro case--in which nine African-American youths were accused of raping two white women in Alabama--through a series of 118 linoleum prints created in 1935.
Using period photographs, allows the reader to "travel" back to the 1920s, experience life as a typical young person of that time and witness some of that decade's important events.
Presents daily life, the sports world, international affairs, great scientific discoveries, the arts, and outstanding achievements of the third decade of the 20th century.
A biography of the farm boy whose desire to tinker rather than do chores led to the design of the horseless carriage that eventually made him a billionaire.
the Eighteenth amendment prohibits liquor in America
Barry, James P
Discusses the events leading to the enactment of the prohibition amendment, the problems caused by that amendment, and its continuing effects on society.