
Curriculum Objective

The century for young people

Contains eyewitness accounts of historical events that took place throughout the twentieth century, including the Wright brothers first flight, the first radio broadcast, the landing on Normandy beach, watching the Challenger shuttle explode, and other major events.

Babe Ruth : sultan of swat

A biography of the well-loved baseball personality who set many records and made home runs a common part of the game playing for the New York Yankees.

The Scottsboro Boys Trial

a primary source account
Tells the story of the Scottsboro Boys trial, in which two white women accused nine young African-American men and boys of raping them in 1931, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.

The trial of Sacco and Vanzetti

a primary source account
Chronicles the controversial trial of Italian-American anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti for robbery and murder, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.

Scottsboro, Alabama

a story in linoleum cuts
Presents the story of the 1931 Scottsboro case--in which nine African-American youths were accused of raping two white women in Alabama--through a series of 118 linoleum prints created in 1935.

The 1920s

from prohibition to Charles Lindbergh
A chronicle of the 1920s, including the fads, triumphs, tragedies, and fashions of that decade.

Ellis Island

gateway to the American dream
A history of Ellis Island including photographs and personal accounts of immigrants who passed through the gates.

The roaring twenties, 1920-1930

Chronicles popular culture and historical events during the 1920s, showing how Americans of various social and economic strata lived.

Ticket to the twenties

a time traveler's guide
Using period photographs, allows the reader to "travel" back to the 1920s, experience life as a typical young person of that time and witness some of that decade's important events.

Henry Ford: automotive pioneer

A biography of the farm boy whose desire to tinker rather than do chores led to the design of the horseless carriage that eventually made him a billionaire.


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