Find your way with words

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Types of words

This book looks at a variety of topics, such as parts of speech, tense, person, and agreement, and shows how understanding types of words allows writers and speakers to give power to their communication.

Punctuation and spelling

This book looks at a variety of topics, such as punctuation within words, spelling rules and their exceptions, and homonyms, and shows why punctuation and spelling are so important for conveying meaning in a range of text types and genres.

Making better sentences

This book looks at a variety of topics, such as sentence types, clauses, and phrases, and shows how sentence structure can be used to convey complete ideas clearly.

The structure of words

A thorough primer on word structure. It explains the roles of phonemes, word roots, prefixes, suffixes, contractions, abbreviations, and a host of other linguistic elements.

The structure of words

understanding roots and smaller parts of words
A guide to word structure, looking at suffixes, prefixes, root words, the use of dictionaries, and how understanding the structure of words can improve reading, writing, and speaking.
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