New Riverside editions

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Ethan Frome

and, Summer : complete texts with introduction, historical contexts, critical essays
Collects Edith Wharton's "Ethan Frome," and "Summer," depicting a New England farmer who falls in love with his hypochondriac wife's cousin and the love affair between humble New England woman and an aristocratic man; and includes writings on the historical context of the work and critical essays.

Fictions of Empire

Complete Texts with Introduction, Historical Contexts, Critical Essays
Presents the texts of three short nineteenth-century stories centered on the theme of British imperialism, including "Heart of Darkness," "The Man Who Would Be King," and "The Beach of Fales?a," and includes excerpts from related works of the period, biographical excerpts about and letters from the authors, additional short works by the three men, and critical essays.

Making humans

complete texts with introduction, historical contexts, critical essays
Contains Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" about a scientist who creates a monster from various dead bodies and H. G. Wells's "The Island of Doctor Moreau" in which victims of a shipwreck in the Pacific discover an island ruled by an ominous scientist who performs ghastly genetic experiments which change animals into grotesque, partially human creatures, and includes a selection of essays on themes in the two novels.

The scarlet letter

complete text with introduction, historical contexts, critical essays
Presents Hawthorne's 1850 novel about a young wife in colonial New England who is condemned by Puritan law to wear a scarlet "A" as the symbol of her sin; and includes selections from related writings by Hawthorne, a sampling of criticism, and rare illustrations.

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

complete text with introduction, historical contexts, critical essays
Presents nineteenth-century American author Mark Twain's classic novel "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" along with writings on the historical context of the work and critical essays by such writers as Norman Mailer and Toni Morrison. Also includes a Twain chronology and a selected secondary bibliography.

The age of innocence

complete text with introduction, historical contexts, critical essays
Presents Edith Wharton's early twentieth-century novel in which she portrays New York in the 1870s as a society in which money counts for less than manners and morals, and includes contextual materials, as well as critical commentary and analysis.
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