
Geographic Name

The age of anxiety

McCarthyism to terrorism
Chronicles Senator Joseph McCarthy's five-year-long anti-Communist crusade, which destroyed the lives of thousands of United States citizens, and discusses its relevance to the twenty-first century's War on Terror.

Red moon rising

Sputnik and the hidden rivalries that ignited the Space Age
Drawing on original interviews and declassified documents, examines the behind-the-scenes story of the early space race between the Soviet Union and the U.S., the U-2 spy planes, and the Soviet launching of the Sputnik satellite.

In trouble

In 1950s New York, sixteen-year-old Jamie's life is unsettled since her father returned from serving time in prison for refusing to name people as Communists, when her best friend turns to Jamie for help with an unplanned pregnancy.

Shooting star

the brief arc of Joe McCarthy
An examination of Joseph McCarthy's investigations into communists in the U.S. government during the 1950s and the effect it had on every aspect of American society.

Holding the line

the Eisenhower era, 1952-1961

The 1950s

Discusses four major events during the 1950s: the advent of rock and roll music; the integration of schools, buses, and restaurants; the debut of television; and the discovery of a polio vaccine.

One hell of a gamble

Khrushchev, Castro, and Kennedy, 1958-1964
Draws from records made available since the collapse of the Soviet Union to reexamine the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, revealing just how close the United States came to engaging in nuclear war.

Courage in a dangerous world

the political writings of Eleanor Roosevelt
A collection of political writings by Eleanor Roosevelt, featuring over two hundred columns, articles, essays, and speeches; arranged chronologically in six subject categories including the New Deal, the United Nations and human rights, and the Cold War.

The 1950s decade in photos

"the American decade"
Discusses many of the influential people, events, and cultural developments of the 1950s.

The King years

historic moments in the civil rights movement
Presents selections from the "American in the King Years" trilogy of historical books, focusing on the civil rights movement and the speeches of Martin Luther King Jr., as well as the activities of a variety of King's contemporary activists.


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