Detailed essays, extensive photos, and informative sidebars describe Egyptian ruler Ramses II and his city, Pi-Ramses, showing the results of significant archaeological digs; also includes a time line and a bibliography.
Nefer, the son of a village elder in ancient Egypt, must stop the bitter Mehy's attempt to infiltrate the Place of Truth, where an enclave of craftsmen commissioned by Ramses the Great hold the Stone of Light.
This book recounts the life and accomplishments of the longest-ruling pharaoh of ancient Egypt, Ramses II, who was known for his strategic military skills and ordered the construction of more temples and monuments than any other ruler.
Presents the life and accomplishments of the Egyptian pharaoh, believed to be the pharaoh of the Exodus, whose reign lasted for sixty-seven years and resulted in the expansion of Egypt's borders.
Nefertari, the niece of the heretic Nefertiti who has been educated as a future queen, becomes involved in a political scandal when she and Ramesses the Great fall in love and marry.
Chronicles the reign of Egyptian king Ramses II in the thirteenth century B.C., describing his rise to power, private life, military exploits, the Battle of Kadesh, his building projects, and his death and mummification, as well as his legacy.
Details the life and accomplishments of Ramses the Great, a celebrated Egyptian pharaoh, and also describes daily lifein ancient Egypt, and a history of the kings prior to Ramses' reign.