Engelbert, Phillis

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Activists, rebels and reformers

Contains entries that provide biographical information about twenty-one men and women who were influential in bringing about social change in countries throughout the world; and features profiles of four organizations also engaged in the struggle. Arranged alphabetically from A-to-F.
Cover image of Activists, rebels and reformers

American civil rights

Presents an overview of the history and contemporary status of the civil rights of various racial, ethnic, and nonethnic groups in the U.S., discussing discrimination, legislation, social movements, and significant people and events; and includes a timeline, glossary, and research and activity ideas.
Cover image of American civil rights

The Complete Weather Resource

Understanding Weather
Understanding weather,weather phenomena, forecasting the weather, and climate.
Cover image of The Complete Weather Resource

ASTRONOMY & SPACE: From the Big Bang to the Big Crunch

Provides an overview of astronomy & space exploration in over 300 alphabetically arranged titles. It looks at these sciences in a historical and social contextas well.

American civil rights

Biographies of major civil rights figures, including sidebars covering related events and issues.

Dangerous planet

The Science of natural disasters. Vol. 1
Scientific examination of natural disasters and natural phenomenon.

Dangerous planet

The Science of natural disasters. Vol. 3
Scientific examination of natural disasters and natural phenomenon.

Dangerous planet

The Science of natural disasters. Vol. 2
Scientific examination of natural disasters and natural phenomenon.


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