
Geographic Name

There's nothing in the middle of the road but yellow stripes and dead armadillos

Presents a humorous look at American politics including such topics as the two-party system, Wall Street, Bill Clinton and more.

Interviews with Betty Friedan

A collection of interviews in which writer Betty Friedan discusses her political, religious, and ethical views.


A collection of essays that explore human rights violations and crimes committed during the civil wars in Liberia.

A reasonable life

toward a simpler, secure, more humane existence
This is a rabble-rousing, darkly humorous, straight from the heart look at our hectic, and often out-of-control, modern lives. Not since Lewis Mumford or even Thoreau has a writer taken such a giant step off the beaten path to see where our technology-obsessed, depersonalized society is hurtling at this frantic pace. Ferenc Mate sounds the alarm that with our single-minded emphasis on economic growth we are devastating not only our cities, our economy, and our very planet, but also our communities, families, and even friendships.

Hail Babylon!

NPR's road scholar goes in search of the American city

Arguing with idiots

how to stop small minds and big government
Libertarian American radio host Glenn Beck offers advice on how to win arguments about various topics of political intrigue, providing retorts and facts relevant for conversations about gun control, health care, and more.


how markets corrupt children, infantilize adults, and swallow citizens whole
Explores the effects of capitalism on American culture and how consumer capitalism overproduces goods, targets children, and encourages adults to abandon self-restraint.

Beats, rhymes, & life

what we love and hate about hip-hop
A collection of essays in interviews that explore the most prominent symbols of the hip-hop genre, discussing what they mean to the hip-hop community and how the genre's stars influence popular and teen culture.

Late bloomers

coming of age in today's America: the right place at the wrong time
Looks at the forces that have shaped America since the 1960's and how those affect young people today.


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