
Geographic Name

Economic insanity

how growth-driven capitalism is devouring the American dream
Argues that the current view of capitalism held by Americans must be changed because it is working against the principles of democracy, liberty, freedom, and equality and creating adverse social conditions in the U.S.

The American dream

stories from the heart of our nation
Journalist Dan Rather presents the stories of more than thirty everyday American men and women who have pursued their dreams of liberty, happiness, family, fame, education, innovation, and service.

The conquest of cool

business culture, counterculture, and the rise of hip consumerism
A history of advertising, focusing on the 1960s, discussing the industry's anticipation of the youth rebellion of the decade, and looking at how the businesses of advertising and men's clothing teamed up to create and benefit from the cultural revolution.

The O'Reilly factor

the good, bad, and completely ridiculous in American life
Controversial television journalist Bill O'Reilly discusses the state of America at the end of the twentieth century, commenting on such topics as class, sex, the media, parents, celebrity, politics, race, religion, and several other subjects.

The way things ought to be

The radio talk-show host presents his views on the leading issues of the day.

The man who sold the world

Ronald Reagan and the betrayal of Main Street America
Discusses the legacy of Ronald Reagan's presidency, arguing that despite people's nostalgia for his time in office, he destroyed the American way of life by initiating unsustainable economic policies while pioneering the use of divisive issues to distract everyday citizens.

Morning in America

how Ronald Reagan invented the 1980s
Presents a comprehensive examination of the presidency of Ronald Reagan comparing the significant political events during the 1980s with the social and cultural developments of that decade.

The eighties

America in the age of Reagan
Examines the transformations that took place in America government, economy, and culture during the Reagan years, exploring how Ronald Reagan's policies and convictions impacted American society and world affairs.


observations and arguments, 1966-2004
A collection of essays in which Hendrik Hertzberg explores a variety of topics related to American politics and profiles key figures.

Stupid white men-- and other sorry excuses for the state of the nation!

A semi-serious rant in which Michael Moore rails against President George Bush and the election of 2000, and blames the woes of the twenty-first century--pollution, joblessness, failing economy, and others--on a group of politicians and businessmen he calls "stupid white men.".


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