Presents the vibrance of the ancient Egyptian life from the dynasties to the massesare and also explores the political and social development of the region.
Presents a short illustrated biography of Hatshepsut, first female Pharoah of ancient Egypt; and discusses her early childhood, how she became queen, and how she was able to become Pharoah.
Reconstructs the life of Cleopatra, discussing her childhood, marriages, affairs with Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony, the political scandals that plagued her, and other related topics.
While her father is in hiding after attempts on his life, twelve-year-old Cleopatra records in her diary how she fears for her own safety and hopes to survive to become Queen of Egypt some day.
Selene, having grown up in a palace with her parents, Cleopatra and Mark Antony, is forced by war to build a new life in the household of Roman emperor Octavianus, where she finds herself torn between two young men and two possible destinies.
An exploration of the life of Nefertiti that discusses aspects of the world in which she lived, such as everyday life, religion, and royalty, and examines her role in ancient Egyptian society as well as archaeological findings about the queen.