trials, litigation, etc

trials, litigation, etc

Brown v. Board of Education

the battle for equal education
Presents an account of the famous Supreme Court case which led to the outlawing of racial segregation in public schools.

The Scopes "monkey" trial

Examines the 1925 Scopes "Monkey" trial which took place in Dayton, Ohio when science teacher John Scopes was charged with teaching evolution in the public school, his defense by Clarence Darrow, and the effect of the trial on society and public education.

Left for dead

a young man's search for justice for the USS Indianapolis
Recalls the sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis at the end of World War II, the Navy cover-up and unfair court martial of the ship's captain, and how a young boy helped the survivors set the record straight fifty-five years later.

The trial of Sacco and Vanzetti

a primary source account
Chronicles the controversial trial of Italian-American anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti for robbery and murder, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.

The Lindbergh baby kidnapping trial

a primary source account
Chronicles the trial of Bruno Richard Hauptmann for the kidnapping of pilot Charles Lindbergh's infant son, and presents numerous primary source excerpts and photos.

Linda Brown, you are not alone

the Brown v. Board of Education decision : a collection
Ten authors of juvenile literature evaluate the impact of the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas case which outlawed discrimination in the public schools of the United States.


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