Presents a survey of the rituals, traditions, and values of Shintoism, and discusses its basic tenets, influence on other religions, sacred sites, geographical distribution, and more.
Text and accompanying photographs trace the progress of Taoist thought, revealing the essence of a mystical tradition that has quietly evolved over the centuries, keeping its peace amidst the rise and fall of civilizations.
Discusses the history of the Shinto religion in Japan, describing its origins, basic beliefs, rituals, and festivals, and its place in Japanese society.
Explores all aspects of the Baha'i faith, from the original s of its founder, Baha'u'llah, to the modern-day communities that exist in 236 countries and territories throughout the world.
Traces the history and beliefs of Zoroastrianism and its followers determination through centuries of persecution and hardship into the present day. The Iranian and Indian Zoroastrian communities in which the religion has thrived without missionary efforts or vast numb numbers of believers is also explored.
Presents the history of the Native American religions, starting from their roots as tribal religions, and then details the detrimental effects of European colonization, the annihilation of the Native Americans that threatened the religions, and their restoration in the 20th 20th century.
Developed in prehistoric times, Shinto is the true expression of what it means to be Japanese. Less a formal religious statement than a deeply ingrained way of life, the rituals, traditions, and values of Shinto have both shaped and been shaped by Japanese culture.