

On writing

a memoir of the craft
Stephen King reflects on how his writing has helped him through difficult times and describes various aspects of the art of writing.

On writing

a memoir of the craft
Stephen King reflects on how his writing has helped him through difficult times and describes various aspects of the art of writing.
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Conversation on Writing

"Le Guin discusses her fiction, nonfiction, and poetry--both her process and her philosophy"--Back cover.

On writing

a memoir of the craft
Stephen King reflects on how his writing has helped him through difficult times and describes various aspects of the art of writing.
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Shakespeare's secret

Named after a character in a Shakespeare play, misfit sixth-grader Hero becomes interested in exploring this unusual connection because of a valuable diamond supposedly hidden in her new house, an intriguing neighbor, and the unexpected attention of the most popular boy in school.

Plot twists and turns

Presents interviews with author Roald Dahl, creator of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," in which he shares his perspective on plots, and discusses his writing process, and includes readings from his books, animations and scenes from his plots, and a look at his writing devices.


on the magic of writing
"This collection of more than twenty-five critical essays, speeches, and biographical pieces written and/or chosen by Diana Wynne Jones will be required reading for the author's many fans and for students and teachers of the genre. Reflections includes insightful literary criticism alongside autobiographical anecdotes about reading tours (including an account of the author's famous travel jinx), revelations about the origins of the author's books, and thoughts in general about the life of an author and the value of writing. The longest autobiographical piece, "Something About the Author," details Diana's extraordinary childhood and is illustrated with family photographs. Reflections is essential reading for anyone interested in Diana Wynne Jones's work, fantasy, or creative writing. With a foreword by Neil Gaiman, introduction and interview by Charlie Butler, bibliography, and index. "Various threads run through this collection, but by far the strongest is that of the need for fantasy in all its many facets and its value for children and adults alike. It is my hope that some of these items will be of use to people."-Diana Wynne Jones "Her writings assembled in one place tell us how she thought about literature and the reasons for literature, about the place of children's fiction in the world, about the circumstances that shaped her and her own understanding and vision of who she was and what she did. It is ferociously intelligent, astonishingly readable, and as with so much that Diana Wynne Jones did, she makes each thing she writes, each explanation for why the world is as it is, look so easy."-Neil Gaiman"--.

An assassin's guide to love and treason

In the early sixteen-hundreds, an assassin and a spy, seventeen-year-old Katherine and nineteen-year-old Toby, go undercover as actors in a Shakespeare play in a plot to kill---or save---Queen Elizabeth.
Cover image of An assassin's guide to love and treason

An assassin's guide to love and treason

In the early sixteen-hundreds, two star-crossed assassins, nineteen-year-old Toby and seventeen-year-old Kit, go undercover as actors in a Shakespeare play in a plot to kill Queen Elizabeth.
Cover image of An assassin's guide to love and treason

The ghost and Whatshisface

Twelve-year-old Cooper Vega and his military family has moved so often that he is used to new schoolmates not knowing his name, but at the moment he has a bigger problem--his new phone is haunted by the ghost of Roderick Northrop, a boy from the sixteenth-century, who needs his help to finish a quest, which is somehow tied up in the Stratford Middle School production of Romeo and Juliet.
Cover image of The ghost and Whatshisface


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