Explores the lives of Daisy and Violet Hilton, conjoined twins born in 1908, abandoned by their mother, and placed on exhibition. Follows the girls as they travel from Brighton, England to Australian amusement parks and to American sideshows, where they eventually became famous on the vaudeville circuit. Also discusses who Violet and Daisy were as individuals and their lives after retiring from the stage.
"From painting murals to playing in orchestras, artists around the world often combine their ideas and talents together to make art in many different forms. Read about how working together helps create . . . art!"--Provided by publisher.
"Find out about the life of American poet and writer Maya Angelou and her work as an activist in the US civil rights movement. The book has photographs and a simple text suitable for young children"-- Provided by publisher.
Looks at the history of outstanding African Americans in their careers, focusing on entertainers. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.
Dear Mum and Dad, The New York School for Performing Arts is fifty years old this year! Ancient or what? We're going to put on a big show to celebrate. I found out that it's our favourite teacher, Madame Swirler's birthday too, and she's EVEN OLDER than the school! She must've kept it a secret so that we could surprise her, but when I arranged an amazing traffic-halting flash mob to sing happy birthday to her, she was even grumpier than usual! Maybe I should have arranged a confetti explosion too? Anyway got to go, I'll have to think of an even better surprise. Love you more than cake, Louie xx.
50 icons, luminaries, and legends who revolutionized the world
Reid, Megan
". . . featuring iconic figures known all over the world whose "firsts" made an indelible mark in entertainment, science, politics, and sports"--Provided by publisher.
"Eighteen-year-old Carmen takes on a summer internship that has her reuniting with estranged family for an over-the-top quincea?era, reluctantly reconnecting to a long-lost ex-boyfriend, and finding happiness in the chaos"--Provided by publisher.