essence, genius, nature

Topical Term
essence, genius, nature

My life as a Jew

"What are the core teachings and beliefs of Judaism? Readers will learn about one of the world's most widely practiced religions through the lens of two different perspectives and dive deep into important figures, sacred texts, holidays, and commandments"--Provided by publisher.

My life as a Sikh

how the world worships
"What are the core teachings and beliefs of Sikhism? Readers will learn about one of the world's most widely practiced religions through the lens of two different perspectives and dive deep into important figures, sacred texts, holidays, and commandments. This narrative nonfiction book uses considerate text that is written at a higher maturity level with a lower reading level to engage and accommodate struggling readers. Includes sidebars that are aligned with the Common Core Standards, a comprehensive timeline, and activity. A table of contents, glossary with simplified definitions and pronunciations, and index are also included"--.


This book will discuss the origins of Islam, the major sects that follow the faith and important religious centers such as Mecca and Medina.

Jesus > religion

why He is so much better than trying harder, doing more, and being good enough
Jefferson Bethke burst into the cultural conversation in 2012 with a passionate, provocative poem titled ?Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus.? The 4-minute video literally became an overnight sensation, with 7 million YouTube views in its first 48 hours (and 23+ million in a year). The message blew up on social-media, triggering an avalanche of responses running the gamut from encouraged to enraged. In Jesus > Religion, Bethke unpacks similar contrasts that he drew in the poem?highlighting the difference between teeth gritting and grace, law and love, performance and peace, despair and hope. With refreshing candor he delves into the motivation behind his message, beginning with the unvarnished tale of his own plunge from the pinnacle of a works-based, fake-smile existence that sapped his strength and led him down a path of destructive behavior.

No god but God

the origins and evolution of Islam
Offers a detailed overview of Islam, discussing the religion's origins, beliefs, place in Western culture, and traditions.

Beyond belief

the secret Gospel of Thomas
Examines the early history of Christianity, focusing on how the creeds of the faith were established, and discusses the discovery in 1945 of the Gospel of Thomas, looking at how it differs from the teachings of John, and considering the reasons why it was not included in the canon of the New Testament.

A generous orthodoxy

why I am a missional, evangelical, post/Protestant, liberal/conservative, mystical/poetic, biblical, charismatic/contemplative, fundamentalist/Calvinist, Anabaptist/Anglican, Methodist, Catholic, green, incarnational, depressed-yet-hopeful, emergent, unfi
Argues for a new orthodoxy which is Christ-centered and brings about global conversation between Christians of all faiths and practices.

Responses to 101 questions on Islam

Answers questions about the religious traditions of Islam and Muslims, arranged in such categories as Beginnings and Sources, History and Development, Beliefs and Practices, Law and Ethics, Cultural and Intellectual Themes, Women and the Family, and more.

Being Muslim

Provides an introduction to Islam, its history, and issues that have arisen around it.

The world of Islam

A color-illustrated overview of the Islamic religion and its culture, which covers such topics as the early spread of Islam, the Koran, Allah, the prophets, the five pillars, and Muslim mysticism. Includes a glossary and an index.


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