
Geographic Name

The Twisted dream

Chronicles the rise of the Nazi party and its push for power.

A frost in the night

a novel
Relates the experiences of a young Jewish girl growing up in a city in southern Germany during the period of Hitler's rise to power.

Hitler, 1889-1936

Chronicles the life of Adolf Hitler and discusses the events that made his rise to power in Germany possible, the affect World War I had on his rule, the reasons his ideas were so popular, and other related topics.

Germany, 1918-1945

Examines Germany between the end of World War I and the fall of the Nazis, discussing such topics as the Treaty of Versailles, the unpopularity and dissolution of the Weimar Republic, the persecution of Jews, young people and women in Nazi Germany, and propaganda, and poses critical thinking questions.

The European dictatorships

Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini
Provides a detailed account of the three main European dictatorships in the period between 1919 and 1945, exploring Stalinism, Fascism, and Nazism and the effects each had on European history.

Defying Hitler

a memoir
The author's memoir, written in 1939, of the rise of Nazism in his native Germany from 1907 to 1933, which examines the influence of such groups as the Free Corps and the Hitler Youth on the German people, and includes predictions about his nation's fate.

Hitler, the path to power

Describes how Hitler joined a tiny new political party in 1919 and began his political apprenticeship for power.

Hitler and the rise of the Nazi party

seminar studies in history
A study of the ascent of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party from the initial electoral breakthrough in 1930, to the party's victory, over the weak Weimar regime, in 1933.


the rise and fall of the notorious Nazi leader
Hermann Goring was Adolph Hitler's right-hand man. As he rose to power though, he became increasingly disillusioned, withdrawing from the political scene to enjoy the pleasures of his life as a wealthy man. He was eventually shunned by Hitler and by the time he was convicted of crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg trials, he was alone and without allies. Before he could be hanged, he committed suicide in prison.

The Coming of the Third Reich

In 1900 Germany was the most progressive and dynamic nation in Europe, the only country whose rapid technological, social growth, and change challenged that of the United States. Its political culture was less authoritarian than Russia's and less anti-Semitic than France's. How did Germany fall into the hands of a violent, racist, extremist political movement that would lead it, and all of Europe, into utter moral, physical, and cultural, ruin? Evans' history restores drama and contingency to the rise to power of Hitler and the Nazis, even as he shows how ready Germany was by the early 1930s for such a takeover to occur.


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