ethical aspects

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ethical aspects

Becoming bionic

and other ways science is making us super
This middle-grade nonfiction book uses superheroes to explore how science is transforming our bodies and our experiences. This book breaks down how superhero traits have been reflected in technological innovations throughout history, and how they could appear in the future. Jetpacks and rocket belts can help us fly like Superman. Prosthetic limbs and lab-grown human tissue mirror the regenerative powers of Wolverine and Ms. Marvel. But readers are also invited to think critically about these incredible, and sometimes controversial, advancements--after all, with great power comes great responsibility.


what is it and how to identify it
Whether false information spreads by ignorance and/or accident, or by misunderstandings, or by purposeful lies designed to fool people, all examples of the phenomenon share a common thread. Namely, they are potentially harmful to either specific individuals, or society in general, or both.

Exploring solutions

online disinformation and misinformation
Misinformation can spread like wildfire online, reaching people worldwide. Misinformation is driving increasing political polarization, endangering public health and communities, and increasing public distrust of the media, government, and other institutions. People are left unsure of what to believe and who to trust.

Unmasking AI

my mission to protect what is human in a world of machines
"Dr. Joy Buolamwini explains how we've arrived at an era of artifical intelligence harms and oppression, and what we can do to avoid its pitfalls"--Provided by publisher.

The He-Man effect

how American toymakers sold you your childhood
Presents a nonfiction graphic novel exploring how the marketing of toys targeted towards children in the 1980s has shaped adults in the present, and examines the role of capitalism, mass media, propaganda, and nostalgia in these advertising campaigns.

Tender is the night

a romance
A story of Americans on the French Riviera in the 1930s is a portrait of psychological disintegration as a wealthy couple supports friends and hangers-on financially and emotionally at the cost of their own stability.

All about lab-grown meat

"Describes the history and science behind lab-grown meat, including the new ideas and applications scientists are currently working on. Includes "How It Works" feature.".

Glowing bunnies?!

why we're making hybrids, chimeras, and clones
Explores the development of genetically modified animals and how they are being used to combat global issues such as climate change, species extinctions, the destruction of natural habitats, and human health issues. Examines the ethical, legal, and health-related consequences of bioengineering, and discusses the issue of animal welfare when it comes to genetic engineering. Includes color photographs, a glossary, and additional resources.

Share better and stress less

a guide to thinking ecologically about social media
We know that pollution damages our physical environments--but what about the digital landscape? Touching on everything from goat memes gone wrong to conflict in group chats to the sometimes unexpected side effects of online activism, this lively guide to media literacy draws on ecological, social justice, and storytelling frameworks to help readers understand how information pollution spreads and why. It also helps them make sense of the often stressful and strange online world. Featuring a hyperconnected cast of teens and their social-media shenanigans, reader-friendly text tackles the thorny topic of internet ethics while empowering--and inspiring--young readers to weave a safe, secure, and inclusive digital world. Readers are invited to delve further into the subject with the help of comprehensive source notes and a bibliography in the back matter.

Survival of the richest

escape fantasies of the tech billionaires
"Five mysterious billionaires summoned theorist Douglas Rushkoff to a desert resort for a private talk. The topic? How to survive the 'Event': the societal catastrophe they [arguably] know is coming. Rushkoff [argues] that these men were under the influence of The Mindset, a Silicon Valley-style certainty that they and their cohort can break the laws of physics, economics, and morality to escape a disaster of their own making--as long as they have enough money and the right technology. In 'Survival of the Richest', Rushkoff traces the origins of The Mindset in science and technology through its current expression in missions to Mars, island bunkers, AI futurism, and the metaverse"--Dust jacket.


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