school violence

Topical Term
school violence

Violence in schools

the enabling factor

Vernon God Little

A fifteen-year-old boy becomes the object of a media frenzy and his small Texas town's thirst for vengeance when his only friend shoots sixteen classmates and commits suicide.

The Pack

Akhil Vyas, a new boy in school, reluctantly decides that in order to prevent a violent crime, he must tell Omar and Becky his secret.

Bullied to Death

Looks at the pain and loneliness caused by bullying and how children often react destructively, either by turning the rage inward or by retaliating with lethal violence against their tormenters. From the heartbreaking story of Brian Head, who buckled under the pressure of years of bullying and took his own life, to the Columbine High School massacre and Luke Woodham's rampage in Mississippi in 1997, incidents where bullying led to disaster are examined for evidence of a larger problem in society.

Columbine courage

rock-solid faith
Describes how the murders at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, in 1999 have inspired Christian teens to show courage, resist peer pressure, dedicate their lives to Jesus, and witness for their faith.

The war against boys

how misguided feminism is harming our young men
Argues that boys have become the primary victims of American society, showing how boys' weaknesses are aggravated by anti-boy prejudices and offering constructive suggestions on how to help young males.

Project X

a novel

Prevention that works!

a guide for developing school-based drug and violence prevention programs


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