Chabon, Michael

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Werewolves in their youth

A collection of short fiction includes the story of a boy's attempt to help a troubled classmate, a couple's bizarre visit to a real estate broker, and a young archaeologist's research in an American town.

The Yiddish Policemen's Union

In an alternate world in which Alaska, rather than Israel, has become the homeland for the Jews following World War II, Detective Meyer Landsman and his half-Tlingit partner Berko investigate the death of a heroin-addicted chess prodigy.

The final solution

a story of detection
Linus Steinman, a 9-year-old mute refugee from Nazi Germany, and his number-spewing parrot appear to be at the center of a mystery in the 1944 English countryside.

Gentlemen of the road

Two odd travelers who make their lives as swindlers and hired killers in the Caucasus Mountains in A.D. 950 get hired by a young royal whose throne was usurped by his uncle. Rather than the small-scale scrapes they're used to getting into, this feat will require raising an army and possibly starting a revolution.

The amazing adventures of the Escapist

A collection of comics chronicling the exploits of the superhero Escapist.

The mysteries of Pittsburgh

Michael Chabon chronicles the experiences he had during his first postgraduation summer.

Wonder boys

When James Leer, a troubled young writer, becomes obsessed with Hollywood suicides, he begins a series of madcap, startling adventures.

The mysteries of Pittsburgh

Michael Chabon chronicles the experiences he had during his first postgraduation summer.

McSweeney's mammoth treasury of thrilling tales

Presents twenty original stories by such authors as Michael Crichton, Stephen King, Sherman Alexie, and Kelly Link.


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