Hyde, Margaret O

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Teen sex

Presents information on the consequences of teen sex, AIDS, other sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, and the role of the media in forming attitudes about sex.


a special kind of violence
Discusses the phenomenon of terrorism, its forms, increasing frequency, historical origins, and political, religious, and psychological aspects.

Know about drugs

Describes various stimulants, hallucinogens, and barbiturates and their effects on the body.

Fears and phobias

Discusses the causes and cures of common fears and phobias.

Cry softly!

The story of child abuse
Discusses child abuse, its history in England and America, ways to prevent and stop it, and how to report suspected cases.

Kids in and out of trouble

Takes a look at what is happening to kids--the way they get into trouble, how boys and girls interact with the law, what happens to them when they get arrested, hotlines available for help.

Foster care and adoption

Examines the foster home care system which enables children from troubled families to be placed temporarily in other authorized homes. Includes a brief discussion of adoption.

Is the cat dreaming your dream?

Discusses what people do and do not dream about, dreams in folklore, the language of dreams, and children's dreams and nightmares. Also explores creative dreaming and the meaning of dreams.


gambling, smoking, cocaine use, and others
Defines addiction; distinguishes between negative and positive addictions; and discusses addiction to gambling, smoking, drugs, food, caffeine, jogging, and other activities.

VD-STD, the silent epidemic

Discusses the types of sexually transmitted diseases and the means of preventing the spread of these diseases and their complications.


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