african american physicians

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african american physicians

The pact

three young men make a promise and fulfill a dream
A true story of three African American boys from New Jersey who make a pact of friendship to support each other until all three graduate as doctors.

Living and dying in Brick City

an E.R. doctor returns home
Dr. Sampson Davis, one of the three doctors of the Three Doctors Foundation, writes about his life as an ER doctor working in the city he grew up in, discussing why inner city medical conditions are so disproportionately high when it comes to heart disease, asthma, strokes, AIDS, and obesity.
Cover image of Living and dying in Brick City

The pact

three young men make a promise and fulfill a dream
Cover image of The pact

Beaches, blood, and ballots

a black doctor's civil rights struggle
Gilbert Mason chronicles the experiences he had while living in Mississippi during the civil rights movement.
Cover image of Beaches, blood, and ballots

A real woman knows a real man

Dr. Eric Prince, a reputed ladies' man, believes he has found a woman to settle down with when he meets nurse and single mom Sasha Michaels, but Sasha, having lived with the stigma of a failed teenage marriage and a drug addicted mother in small-town Huntersville, Virginia, is not sure it is a good idea to get involved with the charming doctor.
Cover image of A real woman knows a real man

Make a difference

the founder of the I Have a Future program shares his vision for young America
An autobiography of African-American physician, Dr. Henry Foster, describing the racisim he experienced in school and elsewhere, his beginning the I Have a Future program and innovative perinatal care plan, helping at-risk children and teens, and his nomination for U.S. Surgeon General.
Cover image of Make a difference

The pact

three young men make a promise and fulfill a dream
Presents the true story of three African-American kids from the inner city of Newark, New Jersey, who made a pact to support each other as they rose from an environment of poverty, crime, and drugs, and went on to become successful doctors.
Cover image of The pact

Black man in a white coat

a doctor's reflections on race and medicine
Memoir of black American doctor Damon Tweedy about his experiences with racism and prejudice in the medical field. Tweedy writes about the scholarship he was given specifically to increase black enrollment in medical schools which was questioned by one of his professors, up to his experiences as a doctor dealing with the, he argues, prejudiced diagnosis that some diseases are "More common in blacks than in whites.".

African American doctors of World War I

the lives of 104 volunteers
Covers the early years, education, and war experiences of 104 African American physicians who volunteered their services during World War I. These 104 men joined the U.S. Army to care for the 40,000 men of the 92nd and 93rd Divisions, the Army's only Black combat units. The 93rd arrived in Europe to help the French fill the gaps in their decimated lines. The 92nd division came later and fought alongside the white American units. Some of these doctors rose to prominence, others died young or later succumbed to the economic and social challenges of the times.


Great scientific achievements, innovations, and inventions have been recorded in recent times and in the past by men and women of color.


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