government policy

Geographic Name
government policy

The challenge of immigration

Gives an overview of the impact of immigration on different aspects of American society.

Arguing immigration

the debate over the changing face of America
Collection of essays by authors such as Toni Morrison, Peggy Noonan, Francis Fukuyama, and Nathan Glazer, discussing the question of whether America's new immigrants are a wealth of diversity or merely a crushing burden.

The new immigrants

Describes the present condition of both legal and illegal immigration in the United States. Also discusses the problems and controversies connected with present-day immigrants and the changes that are needed in the immigration laws.

Ex Mex

from migrants to immigrants
Former Mexican foreign minister Jorge G. Castaneda reveals the truth behind widely held myths about America's Mexican immigrant population, explaining why many Mexican immigrants choose to come to America, how they are treated by the government and American citizens, what challenges they face on a daily basis, and other related topics.

The immigration mystique

America's false conscience
Discusses the recurring crisis in the United States over the issue of immigration, suggesting that the problem should be addressed by insights taken from moral and religious philosophy, history and international relations, and the science of ecology, rather than from an economic, political, or sentimental standpoint.


opposing viewpoints
Prominent observers offer differing views on the social, political, and legal impact of continuing immigration to the United States.

Immigration policy

Discusses the federal mandates that require state governments to pay the costs for the education, health care, and incarceration of illegal immigrants, presenting both sides of the issue.

Illegal immigration

Reprints editorial cartoons from a variety of sources on the topic of illegal immigration, each with background and analysis.


Presents an overview of immigration policies and politics in the United States, changes in border security since 2001, illegal immigration, refuge and asylum policies, and how other countries managed their immigration issues.

Illegal immigration

A collection of articles debating the seriousness of illegal immigration and the adequacy of immigration laws in America.


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