Marcovitz, Hal

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Anime world

From its unique artistic style to its fascinating stories that include comedies and dramas as well as the exploits of remarkable superheroes, anime has captured the interest of fans across the world. Born more than a century ago in Japan and introduced to the western world in the years following World War II, anime is now an important part of the international culture of entertainment. Each year, thousands of fans flock to anime conventions, debate the merits of the stories in online forums, and cheer athletes at the Olympic games who perform in costumes resembling those worn by their favorite anime characters.

Teen guide to the supernatural

Book publishers as well as film and TV producers continually look for new stories about vampires as well as ghosts, witches, and many other mythical creatures-to feed the public's enormous appetite for stories about the supernatural world.

Media bias

what is it and why does it matter?
"Members of the media can provide vastly different views of the same event. Biased viewpoints have become a routine part of how the media reports the news in America. Readers of daily newspapers as well. As consumers who receive their news through radio or TV broadcasts and those who rely on the internet for their news can certainly find straight reporting in those sources. But biased coverage of the news is ever-present as well, providing consumers with the challenge of finding truth in the flood of daily news coverage"--Provided by publisher.

Domestic extremism

how big is the threat?
"Many extremist groups have emerged in recent years. Moreover, many individuals harbor extremist viewpoints and have taken action on their own. They do this to call attention to their beliefs, cause chaos, and very often commit acts of violence under the misguided notions that their causes are justified and would find widespread acceptance by the American people. [This book discusses domestic extremism]"--Provided by publisher.

Managing anxiety

"Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness. Fortunately, no matter what the age or reason for anxiety, more treatment options are available than ever before because of advanced research and proven ways to cope with this highly treatable ailment"--Provided by publisher.

Pandemic, protest, and politics: a look back at 2020

"For Americans, 2020 was a year in which hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives in a deadly pandemic. Meanwhile, protesters took to the streets to demonstrate against racial injustice, terrible storms and wildfires swepts across the country, and a divisive . . . campaign for the presidency dominated life. [This book] examines these issues and their impacts on life in America"--Provided by publisher.

Racial injustice

rage, protests, and demands for change
Frustration and anger spilled into the streets in 2020 after yet another Black man was killed by police. George Floyd's death in Minneapolis sparked a huge outpouring of outrage and grief as protests spread to cities all across the nation and the world. Protesters from all walks of life have demanded change because Black Americans should not be afraid to walk or jog or drive on city streets-and they should not have to fear encounters with police.

Exposing torture

centuries of cruelty
Provides a history of torture and examines the ethical and moral dilemmas of torture.

Violence against the LGBTQ community

Members of the LGBTQ community are under constant threat of physical violence and verbal harassment simply for wanting to be who they really are.

The war on ISIS

By the early years of the 2000 decade, Americans as well as others in the West had become all-too-familiar with Islamist terrorism. The attacks of September 11, 2001, took the lives of nearly three thousand Americans who were killed when airliners hijacked by terrorists slammed into the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, DC. The Islamist terrorist group al-Qaeda took responsibility for the attack. (Al-Qaeda is an Arabic word meaning "the base.") In fact, by early 2018, the US State Department identified no fewer than fifty separate organizations as Islamist terrorist groups. Certainly, these groups vary in size but their missions are strikingly similar: To bring down national governments and install in their places theocracies that would govern under the edicts of fundamentalist Islamic law-in other words, following to the letter laws first written by Islamic scholars more than 1,400 years ago. To achieve this goal, their members are willing to resort to murdering innocent civilians.


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