Ogletree, Charles J

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Racial reconciliation and the healing of a nation

beyond law and rights
"From Baltimore and Ferguson to Flint and Charleston, the dream of a post-racial era in America has run up against the continuing reality of racial antagonism. Debates about affirmative action, multiculturalism, and racial hate speech reveal uncertainty and ambivalence about the place and meaning of race--and especially the black-white divide--in America. They also suggest that the work of racial reconciliation remains incomplete. This volume assesses where we are in that work, examines sources of continuing racial antagonism between blacks and whites, and highlights strategies to promote racial reconciliation in the future"--Back cover.
Cover image of Racial reconciliation and the healing of a nation

All deliberate speed

reflections on the first half century of Brown v. Board of Education
Charles J. Ogletree reflects on what it was like to grow up during the civil rights movement, focusing on Brown v. Board of Education. He examines the increasing legal challenges of affirmative action, connects these challenges to the issues of reparations, and also asserts that the American judicial system is ambivalent toward education inequalities. In support of the Common Core Learning Standards. (CCLS).

Life without parole

America's new death penalty?
A collection of scholars discuss if life without parole is the correct compromise to the death penalty.
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