A sequel to "Ender's Shadow, " in which the child-warriors, heroes of the Formic War, have returned to their families on Earth only to become the pawns of nations who want to use them as weapons in their quest for sovereignty.
At the age of twelve Ender Wiggin left his home world and journeyed to the colony worlds with his sister, Valentine. He became governor of one of colonies, but now searches for a planet where the hive queens can be reestablished. On the Ganges colony Ender discovers a sharp young colonist bent on destroying his reputation and ultimately, his life.
Upon the close of Battle School, Ender Wiggins has been promoted to Command School, as the leader of Dragon Army and assigned under him is Bean, the boy who may be as smart, if not smarter, than Ender himself.
Andrew "Ender" Wiggin thinks he is playing computer games; but in reality he is being trained to be the military genius that the planet needs in its all-out war with an alien enemy.
The War is over, won by Ender Wiggin and his team of brilliant child-warriors. The enemy is destroyed, the human race is saved. Ender himself refuses to return to the planet, but his crew has gone home to their families, scattered across the globe. The battle school is no more.
Nine-year-old Ender Wiggin has been given his own army of forty soldiers in a series of war games in preparation for an invasion from the deadly alien race that threatens to destroy Earth.
Once called a hero for practically single-handedly bringing an end to the Formics War, Ender Wiggins has lived a long life by travelling the stars as a Speaker for the Dead. When Ender is called to the planet Lusitania, where the human colonists are having trouble with the first sentient species encountered since the Formics, he must find a way to bridge the communication and cultural gaps between the two species to avert disaster.
Presents a comprehensive overview of the places, characters, and events described in Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game," and also covers Battle School slang, a brief history of descolada, and additional backstory not included in the original novel.
Presents four graphic stories with more information on the characters of "Ender's Game." Focuses on Ender's siblings, Peter and Valentine Wiggin, new recruit Zeck Morgan, and Mazer Rackham, champion of the Second Formic War.