Ophelia and the marvelous boy / Foxlee, Karen

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Ophelia and the marvelous boy

Ophelia, a timid eleven-year-old girl, is still grieving her mother when her father takes a job in a museum located in a city where it never stops snowing. Ophelia is forced to suspend her disbelief in things non-scientific when she finds a boy locked in the museum where her father works. The boy, a prisoner of the Snow Queen, asks Ophelia to help him complete an age-old mission and save the world.

Ophelia and the marvelous boy

Ophelia, a timid eleven-year-old girl, is still grieving her mother when her father takes a job in a museum located in a city where it never stops snowing. Ophelia is forced to suspend her disbelief in things non-scientific when she finds a boy locked in the museum where her father works. The boy, a prisoner of the Snow Queen, asks Ophelia to help him complete an age-old mission and save the world.

Ophelia and the marvelous boy

Unlikely heroine Ophelia Jane Worthington-Whittard doesn't believe in anything that can't be proven by science. She and her sister Alice are still grieving for their dead mother when their father takes a job in a strange museum in a city where it always snows. On her very first day in the museum Ophelia discovers a boy locked away in a long forgotten room. He is a prisoner of Her Majesty the Snow Queen. And he has been waiting for Ophelia's help..

Ophelia and the marvelous boy

Ophelia, a timid eleven-year-old girl grieving her mother, suspends her disbelief in things non-scientific when a boy locked in the museum where her father is working asks her to help him complete an age-old mission.
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