national characteristics, american

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national characteristics, american

American beliefs

what keeps a big country and a diverse people united
Cover image of American beliefs

American gods

Shadow sets out on a journey across America fighting old myths and the gods of modern technology and material obsession when he takes employment with a man named Wednesday--otherwise known as the god Odin--after his release from prison and his wife's sudden death.
Cover image of American gods

The state of the American mind

16 leading critics on the new anti-intellectualism
Presents a collection of essays that discuss the root causes of the decline of the American mind.
Cover image of The state of the American mind

The soul of America

the battle for our better angels
Examines turning points in American history and explores contemporary American politics and life.
Cover image of The soul of America


how America went haywire : a 500-year history
"...a provocative chronicle of American delusion and make-beli ef that constitutes a new paradigm for understanding our post-factual world"--Front flap.
Cover image of Fantasyland

Uncle Sam

an American icon
"A retelling of the story of the iconic Uncle Sam" --Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Uncle Sam

Washington's farewell

the founding father's warning to future generations
"The Farewell was published at the end of Washington's second term. It was reprinted in newspapers across the country. The President began the letter during his first term intending to retire but was persuaded by Hamilton and Jefferson to run for a second. By the end of that term he was the object of scurrilous press attacks and alarmed by the growing partisan bitterness. Fearful for the country's future, Washington pled with his countrymen to resist hyper-partisanship and foreign alliances. He called for unity among "citizens by birth or choice," defended religious pluralism, called for national education. His message to the country was urgent. ... In Washington's Farewell, Avlon offers important insight into Washington's final public days, presenting not only a startling description of the perilous state of the new nation but a rare view of the man behind the usual face of a tranquil First Father"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Washington's farewell

The American spirit

who we are and what we stand for
A collection of essays on Americans.

There goes the neighborhood

how communities overcome prejudice and meet the challenge of American immigration
"This compelling approach to the immigration debate takes the reader behind the blaring headlines and into communities grappling with the reality of new immigrants and the changing nature of American identity. Ali Noorani, the Executive Director of the National Immigration Forum, interviews nearly fifty local and national leaders from law enforcement, business, immigrant, and faith communities to illustrate the challenges and opportunities they face. From high school principals to church pastors to sheriffs, the author reveals that most people are working to advance society's interests, not exploiting a crisis at the expense of one community. As he shows, some cities and regions have reached a happy conclusion, while others struggle to find balance. Whether describing a pastor preaching to the need to welcome the stranger, a sheriff engaging the Muslim community, or a farmer's wind-whipped face moistened by tears as he tells the story of his farmworkers being deported, the author helps readers to realize that America's immigration debate isn't about policy; it is about the culture and values that make America what it is. The people on the front lines of America's cultural and demographic debate are Southern Baptist pastors in South Carolina, attorneys general in Utah or Indiana, Texas businessmen, and many more. Their combined voices make clear that all of them are working to make America a welcome place for everyone, long-established citizens and new arrivals alike. Especially now, when we feel our identity, culture, and values changing shape, the collective message from all the diverse voices in this inspiring book is one of hope for the future"--.

The American identity

The American flag, the Statue of Liberty, and US popular culture are all world-famous symbols of the United States. In ... this book, readers will learn about the history and meaning behind these and other parts of the United States' unique cultural identity.


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