Castillo, Carlos

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The University of Chicago Spanish-English dictionary

A Spanish-English, English-Spanish dictionary that contains thousands of terms including slang and provides guides to pronunciation, grammar, suffixes, and regular, irregular, and orthographic changing verbs.

The University of Chicago Spanish dictionary

Spanish-English, English-Spanish = Universidad de Chicago diccionario : Espan?ol-Ingle?s, Ingle?s-Espan?ol
Presents thousands of entries in American English and Latin American and Iberian Spanish, and includes grammar notes, verb lists, and guidance on word choice.
Cover image of The University of Chicago Spanish dictionary

The University of Chicago Spanish dictionary

a new concise Spanish-English and English-Spanish dictionary of words and phrases basic to the written and spoken languages of today

The University of Chicago Spanish dictionary

Spanish-English, English-Spanish
A Spanish-English, English-Spanish dictionary that contains thousands of terms including slang and provides guides to pronunciation, grammar, suffixes, and regular, irregular, and orthographic changing verbs. Covers International Spanish and American English.

The University of Chicago Spanish dictionary = Diccionario de la Universidad de Chicago Ingl?s-Espa?ol y Espa?ol-Ingl?s

Translates thousands of Spanish words and phrases into English and vice versa, and also includes information on Spanish spelling and parts of speech, Spanish language history, regional variations, and other topics, as well as lists of regular and irregular verbs and idioms and proverbs.

The University of Chicago Spanish dictionary

a new concise Spanish-English and English-Spanish dictionary of words and phrases basic to the written and spoken languages of today, plus a list of 1000 Spanish idioms and sayings with variants and English equivalents
Contains words, phrases, idioms, and sayings with variants and English equivalents.
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