nursery rhymes

Topical Term
nursery rhymes

Twinkle, twinkle, little star and other favorite nursery rhymes

An illustrated collection of twenty familiar nursery rhymes and lullabies, such as "Are You Sleeping?, " "Hey Diddle Diddle, " and "All Through the Night.".

Hey, diddle, diddle

An illustrated, humorous version of the traditional nursery rhyme.

There was an old woman who lived in a book

The Little Old Woman Who Lives in a Book cannot find her children, and when she goes searching for them she meets other fairy tale characters who are all missing something or someone important.

Three little kittens

a folk tale classic
Three little kittens lose, find, soil, and wash their mittens.

Hickory dickory dock

a traditional rhyme
An illustrated version of the traditional nursery rhyme about a mouse running up a clock.

Sleepy snoozy cozy coozy

a book of animal beds
Rhyming text explains the bedtime habits of some common North American animals; the accompanying text includes information about the animal's unique sleeping habits.

Moses supposes his toeses are roses

and 7 other silly old rhymes
Includes "Algie and the Bear," "The Tooter," and "Dizzy McPete.".

Lavender's blue

a book of nursery rhymes
An illustrated collection of well-known nursery rhymes.

Mother Goose abroad

nursery rhymes

Five little monsters jumping on the bed

Told in the style of the counting rhyme "Five Little Monkeys," one by one the little monsters jump on the bed only to fall off and bump their heads.


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