Illustrated history of the world

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The illustrated history of the world

"New 10-volume illustrated edition of J. M. Roberts' classic survey..."--Publisher.

The Middle Ages

Text and illustrations explore the history of the world from the Mongol invasions through the voyages of Christopher Columbus.

The age of discovery

Explores the history of the world from 1500 to 1650, an active period which included the Renaissance in Europe, European explorations among the ancient empires of Africa and South America, and the decline of the Mogul Empire in India.

Conflict and change

Explores the history of the world from 1650 to 1800 with emphasis on the agricultural revolution, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, the American and French Revolutions, Manchu China, and Shogunate Japan.

The Dark Ages

Explores the history of the world, from the fall of Rome to the rise of Islam, discussing such areas as Europe, the Mediterranean, the Far East, and the Americas.

The nineteenth century

A history of the world during the nineteenth century. Includes the early Industrial Revolution in Europe, growing colonial empires, conflicts over slavery, and America's emergence as an industrial giant.

The modern world

Discusses the decline of the old European empires, the world wars, scientific advances, new religious and cultural ideas, and other changes that occurred during the twentieth century.

The earliest civilizations

Explores the history of the world from the time of the early hunters and farmers to the rise of ancient Greek civilization and the first empires of China.
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