gogh, vincent van

gogh, vincent van

The life and art of Vincent van Gogh

A visual biography of Impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh.

Vincent Van Gogh

sunflowers and swirly stars
Introduces the life and work of Vincent van Gogh, discussing his early years, life in Holland, London, Paris, and southern France, and development as a painter.

Vincent van Gogh

Introduces the life and work of Vincent van Gogh, one of the world's most renowned artists.

Van Gogh

This is a guide to Van Gogh's life and art, and to the influences that shaped his work.

The artist and me

A young boy laughs at Vincent van Gogh's art and bullies him, calling him names and even throwing things at him in nineteenth-century Arles, France. But when he's alone with the eccentric artist, he finds himself wondering about the beauty of his odd work. Years later, while at a museum in Paris with his grandson, he admires the genius of the man he once mocked.

Vincent and Theo

the Van Gogh brothers
Beautifully told, this is the true story of the relationship between brothers Theo and Vincent van Gogh.

Van Gogh

Profiles the life and career of artist, Vincent Van Gogh.

Vincent van Gogh

Offers a brief introduction to the life and work of nineteenth-century painter Vincent van Gogh, discussing how he developed his artistic style, why he was unsuccessful during his life, how his work became popular decades after his death, and other related topics.

The world of Van Gogh, 1853-1890

Surveys the life, career, work and times of Vincent Van Gogh, with background information on other artists of that period, emphasizing the works of Gaugin and Toulouse-Lautrec.

Van Gogh

Van Gogh remains the ultimate example of the tortured artistic genius. His entire life was a struggle against poverty and mental disorder. But hundreds of canvases that he painted prior to his death are today recognized as masterpieces. Learn more about Van Gogh's life, artistic style and techniques, explore the historical context of his life and work, and begin to understand his creative process. The program includes on-location footage and commentary by world renowned art experts.


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