
Topical Term


inside the army of terror
Examines the origins of the terrorist group ISIS, from Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, leader of "al-Qaeda in Iraq," to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and the formation of ISIS out of the remnants of al-Qaeda in Iraq. Explores ISIS's goals to create a new Islamic caliphate.

Fives and twenty-fives

a novel
Two Marines and a Iraqi interpreter struggle to start new lives in the United States after a catastrophic incident that happened while they were part of a Marine Corps road crew searching for hidden bombs on the treacherous highways encircling Baghdad.

Navy SEAL dogs

my tale of training canines for combat
Navy SEAL Mike Ritland discusses how he started his own company to train working and protection dogs, and shares the inside story of the elite K9 warriors.

The rise of ISIS

a threat we can't ignore
Chronicles the origins and rise of terrorist groups ISIS and Hamas; examines their capabilities, resources and objectives; and explains how, if left unchecked, they could carry out a genocide of unprecedented proportions.

The grail conspiracy

Rookie SNN reporter Cotten Stone finds herself in the middle of the biggest news story in two thousand years, and enlists the help of biblical history scholar John Tyler to uncover the truth behind the discovery of Christ's Holy Grail.

Ahmad's war, Ahmad's peace

surviving under Saddam, dying in the new Iraq
The author presents the true story of his friend Ahmad Shawkat, who served as his translator during the early part of the Iraqi War and who was murdered for his anti-Saddam writings.

American hostage

a memoir of a journalist kidnapped in Iraq and the remarkable battle to win his release
The author describes his abduction by militants in Southern Iraq during the summer of 2004 and the efforts to negotiate his release.

Love in a torn land

Joanna of Kurdistan: the true story of a freedom fighter's escape from Iraqi vengeance
Recounts the true story of Joanna al-Askari, a young girl in Saddam Hussein's Iraq who fell in love with a Kurdish freedom fighter and joined the battle for Kurdish independence.

The Iraq war

Examines the key military and political decisions that have determined the course of the Iraq war, from President Bush's "Axis of Evil" declaration through negotiation, invasion, "Mission Accomplished" and beyond. Experts analyze the design of the war plan and the new technology used in combat such as the F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter, B-2 Spirit stealth bomber, and Stryker combat vehicles. Frontline footage illuminates key events of the war, including the rescue of Private Jessica Lynch and the successful captures of the critical Karbala Gap and Baghdad Airport.


king of terror
An uprecedented biography. drawn from the author's exclusive access to high-ranking defectors, intelligence officials, and even Saddam's own relatives.


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