Sheffield, Charles

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The spheres of heaven

Chan Dalton finds himself torn between the pacifist aliens who hold Earth under Quarantine and the military service that has found a way to break the Quarantine.
Cover image of The spheres of heaven

The Spheres of Heaven

The pacifist aliens who hold Earth under quarantine want Cahn Dalton to find out why their starships have been disappearing.

My brother's keeper

An up-and-coming musician gets into a fateful helicopter crash with his twin brother--a keeper of government secrets--and survives only after a transplant gives him half of his brother's brain.

Borderlands of science

how to think like a scientist and write science fiction
Presents information about some of the discoveries of modern science for writers of science fiction, discussing the borderlands of science, the realm of physics, the constraints of chemistry, the limits of biology, the solar system, spaceflight, computers, chaos, future war, and other scientific possibilities.

Dark as day

In the years following the Great War that nearly destroyed all humankind, the human population is recovering on Earth, as well as on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, while three people hold the key to the survival of the solar system.


Erin and his friends leave Maveen to find the small moving rock marked as Paddy's Fortune, but the crew and captain of the ship they chartered have deadly plans for them.

Higher education

Rick Luban gets expelled from school for pulling a prank on a visiting Congresswoman, but finds a whole new life when he signs up for a career in asteroid mining in outer space.

The Spheres of Heaven

The pacifist aliens who hold Earth under quarantine want Cahn Dalton to find out why their starships have been disappearing.


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