wilder, laura ingalls

wilder, laura ingalls

Santa comes to little house

: from Little house on the prairie
Mr. Edwards helps Laura and her family celebrate a happy Christmas on the prairie.
Cover image of Santa comes to little house

Laura Ingalls Wilder

A biography of American author Laura Ingalls Wilder, covering her upbringing in a pioneer family, early life and marriage, and work as a teacher and writer.

These happy golden years

Laura has her first experiences as a teacher, and is courted by Almanzo Wilder.
Cover image of These happy golden years

Summertime in the Big Woods

A little girl and her pioneer family spend a summer in the Big Woods of Wisconsin.
Cover image of Summertime in the Big Woods

Santa comes to Little House

from Little House on the prairie
Mr. Edwards helps Laura and her family celebrate a happy Christmas on the prairie.
Cover image of Santa comes to Little House

Laura Ingalls Wilder

A brief biography of author Laura Ingalls Wilder whose experiences as a pioneer girl on the frontier are depicted in her "Little House" books.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

an author's story
Presents a biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder, discussing her early years, her young adult life, her marriage, and her career as an author. Includes a glossary.

Good neighbors

In Mansfield, Missouri, during the harsh winter of 1905, Laura, her family, and her neighbors help each other survive and discover the true meaning of Christmas.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Examines Laura Ingalls Wilder's life as a pioneer girl and her work as a writer describing that life for others.

The adventures of Laura & Jack

Laura Ingalls and her dog Jack, share wild adventures as her family moves from Wisconsin to Kansas. Includes games and activities.
Cover image of The adventures of Laura & Jack


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