Tudor, Tasha

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Take joy!

Take joy!

A tale for Easter

Easter is coming. You can guess it's near when you get a new dress, have hot cross buns for tea, and wake up to colored eggs, baby ducklings, and a bunny rabbit.

1 is one

Numbers 1 to 20 are introduced and spelled out on each two-page spread within a rhyming poem.

Wings from the wind

Sixty-one poems about thoughts, nature, or animals, selected from the works of Dickinson, Frost, Wordsworth, Millay, Field, Stevenson, and others.

Alexander the gander

On the way to the pond, Alexander the gander gets a taste of heliotrope pansies, so he sneaks away and returns for another taste and some nice young vegetables.

Around the year

Brief rhymes and drawings of activities popular in the nineteenth century portray events brought about by each month of the year.

One is one

First delights

A tale for Easter

Easter is coming. You can guess it's near when you get a new dress, have hot cross buns for tea, and wake up to colored eggs, baby ducklings, and a bunny rabbit.


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