Macmillan early science big books

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Animals and their babies

Learn how different baby animals are cared for. Food, warmth, protection, transportation, cleansing--all are provided by their mothers.

Seeds get around

Discover that plants grow both from seeds we plant and from those that are carried by wind, water, animals, car tires, even by themselves!.

Animals in hiding

Learn about camouflage and adaptation as you try to find the animals in hiding in the full-color photographs. Discover why some animals attempt to "blend in" to their surroundings, and when they want to stand out.

Squirrels all year long

Find out what squirrels do through the seasons from building nests, to how they feast on fruit and nuts, grow warm coats, and hide food.

An apple a day

An introduction to apples, including how they are grown, picked, sold and what is made from them.

Where does all the garbage go?

From our homes to trucks to barges or dumps, children follow the path of household garbage, and learn how recycling garbage can create new products.

You are what you eat

Readers are introduced to proteins, vitamins, starches, sugars, calcium, and iron, and learn about the food pyramid and how good nutrition helps us grow.
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