A retelling of Johanna Spyri's classic tale, in which Heidi, an orphan, builds a strong bond with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps, but after she is sent into town to attend school and be a friend to a wealthy man's daughter, who is restricted to a wheelchair, Heidi's health begins to fail as her desire to return to her home in the mountains increases.
A Swiss orphan is heartbroken when she must leave her beloved grandfather and their happy home in the mountains to go to school and to care for an invalid girl in the city.
Presents approximately one hundred drawings, collages, and writings by early twentieth-century Swiss artist Adolf W?lfli, along with three essays on his artistic significance. Contains seventy-six color plates.
Chronicles the life of Carl Gustav Jung, discussing his childhood, teaching, contributions to the field of psychology, work with Sigmund Frued, personal beliefs, personal relationships, and other related topics.
In an effort to hide scientific research on the atomic bomb from the Third Reich, Gabi Mueller, a Swiss woman working for the Office of Strategic Services, must risk her life to "courier" a German scientist out of enemy territory in 1944.
A fact-based novel about a Jewish merchant in Payerne, Switzerland, who was murdered by Swiss Nazis, blaming unemployment and bankruptcies on the Jews, and vowing to set the murdered man's mother up as an example.