short story

Topical Term
short story

Herman Melville

A study guide designed to help students read and understand four short stories by Herman Melville that includes plot summaries, character sketches, critical essays, and biographical information about Melville.

Katherine Anne Porter

comprehensive research and study guide
Presents biographical information on twentieth-century American writer Katherine Anne Porter and profiles four of her best-known short stories, providing plot summaries and excerpts of criticism; also includes primary and secondary bibliographies.

F. Scott Fitzgerald's short stories

Bloom's modern critical interpretations

Mark Twain's short stories

Bloom's modern critical interpretations

Short story writers

A collection of alphabetically arranged articles that survey the lives and works of 102 authors of short fiction, focusing on writers of the modern short story; each with a list of the author's publications in other genres, and an annotated bibliography.

The art of the short story

stories and authors in historical context

Teaching literary elements with short stories

Contains four reproducible short stories that incorporate lessons in the literary elements of character; setting; symbols, similies, and metaphors; and plot; each with margin notes, suggested activities for before and after reading, and a selection of reproducible activity sheets.

Short stories for students

presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories
A guide to sixteen short stories, providing an introduction to each story and its author, plot summaries, descriptions of important characters, analysis of important themes, and historical and critical essays. Includes selections by Doris Lessing, Philip Roth, Virginia Woolf, and others.

Short stories for students

presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied short stories
A guide to seventeen short stories, providing an introduction to each story and its author, plot summaries, descriptions of important characters, analyses of primary themes, explanations of literary techniques and movements, and historical and critical essays.


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