Vail, John J

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David Ben-Gurion

Surveys the life and career of the first prime minister of Israel.

Nelson and Winnie Mandela

Records the couple's struggles against South Africa's racial policies which led to Nelson's imprisonment and Winnie's banishment to a remote part of the Orange Free State.

Thomas Paine

Examines the life of the influential political writer whose pamphlet "Common Sense" became one of the basic tracts of the American Revolution.

"Peace, land, bread!"

a history of the Russian Revolution
Explores the period of history in Russia beginning with the revolutions of 1905 and 1917, which resulted in the fall of the czarist autocracy, and ending with the rise of Josef Stalin to power. Looks at the social and economic reforms instituted and the influence of the revolution in Russia and other parts of the world.

Fidel Castro

A biography of the man who became dictator of Cuba in 1959 after a successful revolution against Batista's military dictatorship and reorganized the country into a Communist state.

World War II

the war in Europe
Discusses the notable events of World War II that took place in Europe, from the ominous chain of events leading up to Germany's invasion of Poland to the death of Hitler.
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