fund raising

Topical Term
fund raising

How to stage a catastrophe

Seventh-grader Sidney Camazzola plans to be the director of the Juicebox Theater one day, but for now, he has a great idea--extortion--for keeping the theater open.

Bake sale

A guide to organizing a bake sale.

The Wildwood Bakery

Macy's little sister has wings that are too small, so Eva's class decides to raise money to buy her a flying chair, and half the class opens a bakery, and the other half opens a candy store--but soon competition between the two stores becomes more important than their goal, and Eva needs to convince the other owls that they will collect more money if everyone works as a team.

Madison and the new neighbors

When Madison's mother takes her through the neighborhood to sell candy for school, Madison refuses to go to one particular house because the girl who moved there from India has a strange accent, but after being reminded of how she felt when she first moved, Madison gives Seema a chance.

Getting Your Share of the Pie

The Complete Guide to Finding Grants

Educator's Internet Funding Guide

Classroom Connect's Reference Guide for Technology Funding

The backyard animal show

After rescuing an orphaned deer, Ziggy and the Black Dinosaurs club members decide to stage a neighborhood animal show to raise money for the local wildlife rescue center.

Amelia Bedelia takes the cake

Amelia Bedelia and her friends host a bake sale to benefit their school library.

President of the whole sixth grade

Brianna Justice is the president of her Detroit middle school's sixth grade, but she is finding the position a real headache--beside the normal troubles of being in a new school, and the sudden coldness of her old friends, there is a class trip to Washington, D.C. coming up and she needs to figure out how to raise the rest of the money so that the class can go.

Margret & H.A. Rey's Curious George makes pancakes

Curious George, an inquisitive monkey, causes quite a stir when he tries his "hand" at making pancakes at a fundraiser for the children's hospital.


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