A figure of speech / Mazer, Norma Fox

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A figure of speech

A touching , realistic story of a child's love for her grandfather, the author shows a situation tahtis commonin our time: the old person who is tolerated, unwanted, and then pushed aside.

A figure of speech

The very special relationship between Jenny and her grandfather leads to tragedy when Jenny's parents want to place the old man in a home for senior citizens.

A figure of speech

A figure of speech

The very special relationship between Jenny and her grandfather leads to tragedy when Jenny's parents want to place the old man in a home for senior citizens.

A figure of speech

The very special relationship between Jenny and her grandfather leads to tragedy when Jenny's parents want to place the old man in a home for senior citizens.

A figure of speech

The very special relationship between Jenny and her grandfather leads to tragedy when Jenny's parents want to place the old man in a home for senior citizens.

A figure of speech

The very special relationship between Jenny and her grandfather leads to tragedy when Jenny's parents want to place the old man in a home for senior citizens.
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