Grandes lectores

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Sentir los colores

Twelve-year-old soccer fanatic Quique has to decide if using violence to defend his favorite team's colors is worth it. Presented in Spanish.
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Semana blanca

Alma is determined to convince others that snowboarders have just as much right to compete as skiers, but an uninvited guest appears that creates problems for the teen.
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El secreto del doctor Givert

When famous neurologist Doctor Givert is kidnapped, two friends investigate the case, but when one of the sleuths suspects he can no longer trust his friend, he attempts to solve the matter on his own.
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Rebeli?n en Verne

"Feeling discouraged, author Jules Verne has just abandoned his unfinished novel, 'Two Years' Vacation.' The novel's protagonists have found themselves trapped on an island in the South Pacific, where time has stopped and winter is never-ending. Exhausted but panicked with their story at a standstill, Briant and Doniphan decide to discover what's beyond the dark abyss that interrupts their adventure, and turn up in the author's workshop! Who says destiny is out of our hands?"--Amazon.
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El pescador de esponjas

" ... Hector, a young [Minoan] sponge-diver [in Crete], ... dreams of setting sail on mercantile ship like the one his father captains ..."--Amazon.
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Peque?as historias del Globo

A collection of short stories that portray the differing experiences of children of the same age living in different countries and within the same cities.
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La peque?a coral de la se?orita Collignon

French and music teacher Ms. Collignon, who teaches in a respectable school, finds her life changed when she is transferred to a school with students of diverse nationalities and cultures.
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Oto?o azul

High school students Nacho and Paula form a close friendship over their mutual interests and find their relationship changing when a loved one faces cancer.
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Mande a su hijo a Marte

Elisa is struggling with her classes, so her father decides to send her to the Gagarin School during her summer break, and she becomes upset when she realizes she has to spend her entire vacation on Mars.
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Luci?rnagas en el desierto

Dalil is a thirteen-year-old boy living through the perils of the Gulf War and the thought of exile leaves him with conflicting emotions--he is desperate to leave behind the war but is unable to imagine a life without his friend Shaima.
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