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Before we were free

Anita, a typically self-absorbed twelve-year-old living in the Dominican Republic in the early 1960s, is surprised to discover her family is involved in the underground movement to end the bloody rule of the dictator, General Trujillo.
Cover image of Before we were free

The roots and consequences of independence wars

conflicts that changed world history
"Examines twenty-six of the most significant independence wars, from ancient times to the modern era, and identifies the origins and consequences of these key conflicts. Detailed timelines, maps, and a lengthy bibliography are also provided"--OCLC.
Cover image of The roots and consequences of independence wars

The roots and consequences of civil wars and revolutions

conflicts that changed world history
"[Examines] 30 important civil wars and revolutions across the world, including Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East, covering a broad swath of recorded history from ancient times to the present"--Provided by publisher.
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Generation revolution

on the front line between tradition and change in the Middle East
A profile of the young people in Egypt caught between traditional modernity, and what their stories mean for the future of the country.
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Famous battles of the age of revolution

Looks at battles that were fought during the period between 1775 and 1815, including those of the American and French revolutions, describing the battles, leaders, and technology that cinched success, or ensured defeat.
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The fourth revolution

transformations in American society from the sixties to the present
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7th grade revolution

"7th grade turns out to be anything but normal when teachers announce the students' bloodless revolution succeeded and they are now in charge. After conducting a secret-ballot vote on policy, the 7th graders emerge to find the school evacuated and the FBI lurking outside with the task of unearthing a treasure of national importance. The students' mission is clear--discover the treasure before the FBI locks down the building. Dennis and Rhonda lead the revolt and must work together to follow century-old clues left by a crazy Revolutionary War buff. To stay one step ahead of the FBI, they must delve into history and amass an arsenal to defend their school...because this is WAR!"--Back cover.
Cover image of 7th grade revolution

Of dreams and rust

When the downtrodden Noor rebel in the West, Wen, overhearing a plan to crush the Noor with powerful war machines, leaves the ghostly Bo, now a boy determined to transform himself into a living machine, and journeys into the war zone to warn the Noor--and her great love, Melik.
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The queen's rising

"Brienna desires only two things: to master her passion and to be chosen by a patron. Growing up in Valenia at the renowned Magnalia House should have prepared her. While some are born with a talent for one of the five passions--art, music, dramatics, wit, and knowledge--Brienna struggled to find hers until she chose knowledge. However, Brienna's greatest fear comes true--she is left without a patron. Months later, her life takes an unexpected turn when a disgraced lord offers her patronage. Suspicious of his intent, she reluctantly accepts. But there is much more to his story, for there is a dangerous plot to overthrow the king of Maevana--the rival kingdom of Valenia--and restore the rightful queen, and her magic, to the throne. And others areinvolved--some closer to Brienna than she realizes"
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Uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa

"Explores the significant global issues surrounding the politics, conflict, and violence of revolution and change ... [in the Middle East and North Africa]. The people behind the movements and the reason why changes are taking place are examined, along with the public perceptions around the globe of these areas and their events"--Provided by publisher.


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