VGM's opportunities in-- series

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Opportunities in event planning careers

Describes career opportunities available in event planning and related fields, featuring on-the-job accounts, with information on possible earnings, training and education requirements, and outlook, and including lists of professional associations.

Opportunities in social work careers

Presents an overview of careers in the social services, with information on qualifications, training, salary, and outlook.

Opportunities in gerontology and aging services careers

Presents an introduction to the field of gerontology, looks at careers in gerontology and aging services, and provides information about training and education, salaries, and job outlook.

Opportunities in aerospace careers

Presents an overview of the aerospace industry, including employment outlook, educational requirements, and salary opportunities for specific careers.

Opportunities in engineering careers

Presents information on the various fields of engineering, providing a brief history of each field as well as education requirements and common job titles.

Opportunities in health and medical careers

Presents an overview of the health care industry, and features descriptions of career opportunities in the field, as doctors and assistants, nurses, therapists, specialists, management and administration workers, and technicians, each with information on education and/or training requirements, outlook, and salaries.

Opportunities in beauty and modeling careers

Presents descriptions of career opportunities in beauty salons and in other areas of the industry, each with information on education and/or training requirements, outlook, and salaries; and features a description of the modeling industry, discussing the attributes needed to model or to own a modeling agency.
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